Ryo, a friend of mine,/invited me to visit. He told me/he lived in a mansion. To me,/a mansion is a very large house,/almost like a palace,/so I knew that Ryo was rich. I thought I should dress up.
I asked my host mother,/“Where should I go to buy a dress shirt?” She said I should go to a デパート. I found a department store/and went to the men’s fashion floor. I said to the clerk,/“I’m looking for a dress shirt.” She said,/“Oh, you are looking for a ワイシャツ.” “No, I don’t want a white shirt. I want a blue shirt.” “Oh yes. Right over here.” Finally,/I bought a blue ワイシャツ.
I met Ryo at the station/and we walked to an ordinary condominium. “Where is the mansion, Ryo?”/I asked. “This is it,”/he said. I learned that a マンション means a condominium.
Ryo, a friend of mine,/invited me to visit. He told me/he lived in a mansion. To me,/a mansion is a very large house,/almost like a palace,/so I knew that Ryo was rich. I thought I should dress up.
I asked my host mother,/“Where should I go to buy a dress shirt?” She said I should go to a デパート. I found a department store/and went to the men’s fashion floor. I said to the clerk,/“I’m looking for a dress shirt.” She said,/“Oh, you are looking for a ワイシャツ.” “No, I don’t want a white shirt. I want a blue shirt.” “Oh yes. Right over here.” Finally,/I bought a blue ワイシャツ.
I met Ryo at the station/and we walked to an ordinary condominium. “Where is the mansion, Ryo?”/I asked. “This is it,”/he said. I learned that a マンション means a condominium.