●All elementary school students
should have a mobile phone.(小学生は全員、携帯電話を持つべきだ)という論題についてディベートしてみよう。
【肯定側立論】 「習い事や塾などの送り迎えで親と連絡を取ることが必要だから」
We believe that every elementary school student should have a mobile phone because mobile phones are essential for their lives. They often need to contact their parents after school. Many of them have after-school activities like piano lessons, sports, cram schools, etc. They have to contact their parents on their phones to be picked up, for example. Therefore, mobile phones are necessary for their lives.
【否定側立論】 「携帯電話の使用によって事件に巻き込まれる可能性があるから」
We believe that elementary school students should not have mobile phones because they can get involved in trouble. According to the National Police Agency, as mobile phone ownership among children increases, the number of such cases involving children through social media is increasing. That’s why elementary school students should not have mobile phones.
【肯定側立論への反論】 「習い事や塾は時間通りに終わるので、連絡を取る必要はない」
The affirmative team has said that mobile phones are necessary for elementary school children to contact their parents when they go to after-school activities, but that is not true. They don’t need to contact their parents by mobile phone because after-school activities always finish on time. So, the affirmative team’s argument does not stand.
【否定側立論への反論】 「フィルタリングで悪質なサイトを遮断できる」
The negative team has said that children could be involved in dangerous situations through social media, but that is not true. Now many mobile phone companies offer a filtering service, so children cannot access dangerous websites. So, their statement is incorrect.