LESSON 2 Iwago Mitsuaki ― An Animal Photographer
本文 通し読み Section 1~3
Iwago Mitsuaki ―An Animal Photographer

Student :
First of all,/why do you like cats?//
Iwago :
Because they are free.// Cats live with people/as pets,/but they are not on a leash.// Cats are beautiful/and perfect.//
S :
Your photos of cats/are always interesting.// How can you/take such wonderful photos?//
I :
I observe the lifestyle of cats/very carefully/before I take photos.// For example,/in a town with many cats,/I watch them/every day.// On cold mornings,/they always come together/in the same place.// The place may be warm/from the sunlight.// So/I go there/in advance/and wait for them.// They naturally sit around me.//

S :
You lived in Africa/for over a year.// Please tell me/about your experience.//
I :
It was amazing.// There were many animals/in the Serengeti/in Tanzania.// At first,/I had a typical image/of Africa:/lions were hunting zebras,/or cheetahs were chasing gazelles.// But my view changed/after some time there.//
S :
Why did your view change?//
I :
Actually,/many of the animals there/were not moving much.// They were just relaxing.// Giraffes were eating leaves/of a tall tree.// I was impressed/by the scene.// It was so beautiful/and peaceful.// I realized/that I had to take photos/of animals and nature/as they were.//

S :
As you take photos,/what do you learn from cats?//
I :
Cats give us some hints/about our lives.// For example,/they always choose comfortable places.// When it is cold,/they go to warm places.// When it is hot,/they escape to the shade/of a tree.// They live in harmony with nature.// With that hint,/humans can live a simple life,/too.//
S :
What messages do you send/through your photos?//
I :
I hope/that my photos remind people/of the harmony/between nature and animals.// Humans are also part of nature.// This should be kept/in mind.// Then,/we can live together/with nature and animals.//
