Katsura Sunshine —Making the World Laugh
- Interviewer :
Why did you get interested in rakugo ?
- Sunshine :
I first came to Japan/to see noh and kabuki /because I was involved/in the performing arts/in Canada.
One day,/I happened to see rakugo /in a casual yakitori restaurant.
It was difficult for me/to understand the whole story.
But I was impressed with rakugo /because one performer played every role/in a story.
- I :
How did you become a professional rakugo performer?
- S :
I became an apprentice/of my favorite rakugo performer,/Katsura Bunshi.
Generally speaking,/I was too old/to enter the rakugo world then.
So/it was surprising/that he accepted me.
He expected me/to spread rakugo /to the world/in the future.
He named me Sunshine.
- I :
What’s important/when you perform rakugo overseas?
- S :
I consider it important/to keep the original stories,/including the settings and characters.
By doing this,/international audiences/become absorbed in Japanese culture.
As a result,/they laugh more.
- I :
How did you realize that?
- S :
In a performance/in the US,/I told a Japanese story/which included an episode/about a crane and a tortoise.
I didn’t think/the audience was familiar with a Japanese crane.
So/I replaced it/with a flamingo.
The audience didn’t laugh/as much as I had expected.
Later,/I found out the reason.
The word “flamingo”/brought their minds to Florida/because it’s famous for those birds.
I realized/I had to keep their minds/in a Japanese world.
- I :
When you perform rakugo in English,/what do you keep in mind?
- S :
I perform in the same style/as I do in Japanese.
I use the same rhythms and pauses/for my delivery.
Additionally,/I try to pronounce each word clearly.
- I :
So/you don’t speak English/as you usually do?
- S :
- No, I don’t. For example,/I avoid expressions/that are specific to Canada. Otherwise,/the audience may imagine/that the story happened there. In short,/I consider it important/that my English is somewhat neutral. Using such English,/I want to introduce authentic Japanese rakugo /to the world.