A Martial Art on Tatami
A competitive karuta game is called/“a martial art on tatami.” The players need physical and mental strength,/as well as the powers of concentration and speed.
In this game,/a reciter reads only the first half of a yomifuda card,/which has a waka poem. Players try to grab/the corresponding torifuda card quickly. They compete so fiercely/that they sometimes get injured,/like in martial arts.
A competitive karuta game is called/“a martial art on tatami.” The players need physical and mental strength,/as well as the powers of concentration and speed.
In this game,/a reciter reads only the first half of a yomifuda card,/which has a waka poem. Players try to grab/the corresponding torifuda card quickly. They compete so fiercely/that they sometimes get injured,/like in martial arts.