1 直説法と仮定法
2 程度・結果を表す〈so ~ that ...〉と〈such ~ that ...〉
If it is fine tomorrow, we will go on a picnic.
If it were fine today, we would go on a picnic.
If it had been fine yesterday, we would have gone on a picnic.
He is so skillful that many doctors come to see him operate.
(彼はたいへん腕がよいので、多くの医師が、彼が手術するのを見に来る)【so ~ that ...】
(彼はたいへん腕がよいので、多くの医師が、彼が手術するのを見に来る)【so ~ that ...】
He is such a skillful surgeon that many doctors come to see him operate.
(彼はたいへん腕のよい外科医なので、多くの医師が、彼が手術するのを見に来る)【such ~ that ...】
◆He is so skillful a surgeon that many doctors come to see him operate.
(彼はたいへん腕のよい外科医なので、多くの医師が、彼が手術するのを見に来る)【such ~ that ...】
◆He is so skillful a surgeon that many doctors come to see him operate.